Inaugural Post

I made this website here. Thanks for reading. I will likely just use this part of the website to post developments on the writing projects, share thoughts on the process, maybe the occasional sample story.

Just some thoughts to begin with - I recently wrote a novel and I’m working at finding representation. Part of that work is creating this website. I haven’t felt much of a need to blog in the past or create a website, but people seem to want a public persona from their artists. I’m no Hemingway. No larger than life personality, and I’m really hoping that my writing will speak for itself. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Xanga, I feel (despite using all of the still relevant social media platforms from time-to-time) serve mostly as distractions to what I’m supposed to do. Which is to write stories.

I imagine that every once in awhile I’ll sneak over to this blog section to share some thoughts on life. At least my life. And again, that will likely center around writing. I’d love to hear any thoughts that you might have and I’m pretty certain you can do just that in the contact section of my site. So come in, kick up your boots, and feel free to tell me what an ass I am. It’s the internet baby, mi sitio es tu sitio! (thank you google translator.)


Red Hill: A Dedication of Sorts